Avanços da 14ª reunião anual do Comitê de turismo da ISO (ISO/TC 228 – Tourism and related services)

WG 13 Tunis

Na semana de 8 a 12/04 ocorreu em Tunis, Tunisía a 14ª reunião do Comitê de turismo da ISO, onde tivemos o encontro de diversos grupos de trabalho e no final a reunião plenária de todo o Comitê. Atualmente estão em discussão projetos de normas internacionais para os temas: acessibilidade, restaurantes, hotéis, turismo médico, mergulho, marinas para iates, competências de líderes em turismo de aventura e, lógico, turismo sustentável.

Os trabalhos se desenvolveram bem e os documentos avançaram com a contribuição de centenas de especialistas. No tema turismo sustentável, tratado no grupo de trabalho WG 13 – Sustainable Tourism, onde está em construção um projeto sobre princípios e terminologia de turismo sustentável, o trabalho se concentrou em analisar os 81 comentários recebidos. A reunião contou com a participação de especialistas da Argentina; Brazil; Cameroon; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Guyana; Mozambique; Panama; Bulgaria; Korea e Cyprus e a nova versão do texto já está em circulação para nova rodada de comentários.

O WG 13 – Sustainable Tourism hoje em cerca de 70 especialistas registrados de 26 diferentes países e recentemente produziu a norma ISO 21401: 2018 Sustainability Management System for Accommodation Establishments. A próxima reunião está programada para acontecer na Costa Rica no início de setembro de 2019.

Sobre as mudanças vale ressaltar que os 7 princípios de turismo sustentável do projeto original foram, reordenados, ampliados e reescritos com a inclusão de aspectos importantes que não estavam sendo abordados ainda. A versão atual está assim:

Principles of sustainable tourism

1      Effective sustainable tourism management
Tourism interested parties shall set up ethical business procedures that seek to engage the corporate responsibility (social, economic and environmental) of those involved in the activity, increasing the commitment of their personnel, suppliers and tourists, in matters of sustainability, from the elaboration of the mission, objectives, strategies, goals, plans and processes of management.
2      Guarantee the rights of local population
Tourism interested parties shall seek and promote mechanisms and actions of social and environmental responsibility and economic equality, including the defense of human rights, responsible use of land, resources, consumption of materials and services, maintaining or increasing the dignity of the employees and the well-being of communities involved.
Note Local population can include native population
3      Conserve the natural environment and its biodiversity
In all stages of implementation and operation, tourism interested parties shall adopt practices of carrying capacity and minimal impact on the natural environment, including wildlife protection, monitoring and effectively mitigating any negative impact, and thus contribute towards maintaining the natural dynamics and processes of their physical, biological and landscape aspects, taking into account the existing social and economic context. This could include measures related to climate change adaptation.
4      Consider the cultural heritage and local values
Tourism interested parties shall recognize and respect the historical-cultural heritage of the tourism destinations. Tourism activities shall be planned, implemented and managed in harmony with the cultural traditions and values, collaborating towards their development.
5      Stimulate the social and economic development of tourism destinations
Tourism interested parties shall contribute towards strengthening the local economy, raising skill-levels, increasing economic impacts, generating jobs, work and income, and fomenting the local capacity to develop tourist enterprises stimulating, at the same time, the local responsible supply chains.
6      Guarantee the quality of the products, processes and attitudes
Tourism interested parties shall provide reliable information, promote tourism destinations awareness, evaluate tourist satisfaction and encourage the implementation of recognized service standards related, but not limited to sustainability, quality, accessibility and food safety.
7      Stimulate the safety and security destinations
Tourism interested parties should contribute to enhance destinations safety and security, increasing levels of safety and security and comfort of local population and tourists.
8      Take legal compliance into consideration
Tourism interested parties shall identify and be aware of applicable legal requirements.

Em breve mais apresentarei mais novidades sobre este assunto.

Se quiser conhecer mais detalhes sobre o Comitê de turismo da ISO acesse o site (https://committee.iso.org/home/tc228)

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