A road map to Sustainability Management System for accommodation establishments: Part II

Road map Diagrama para ISO 21401.002

How to implement a Sustainability Management System based on ISO 21401?

(continuing Part I)

  1. Operation control

This step is totally connect with step 2 (aspect and impacts) and step 6 (sustainability objectives). As consequence of aspect and impacts identified, specially which was classified as significant and to guarantee that sustainability objectives will be achieve as well is important to select and implement measures that would be eliminate or reduce those negative impacts. Those measures are called sustainable practices and needs be apply for impacts that will be controlled.

  1. Monitoring and measurement

Following implementation of operation control is necessary to know if that measures took are being effectives. So for that a process of monitoring and measurement shall be implement as a tool to assure that sustainable impacts are under control. Besides that this process will be helpfully to visualize if sustainability objectives are being achieves.

  1. Resources

Based on their needs and expectations, operation and management processes, including sustainability objectives, impacts identified, controls established the accommodation will use resources, such as, human, infrastructure, financial, etc. So it is important to assure availability of resources to implement and maintain a sustainability management system.

  1. Role, responsibilities and authority

Establish and ensure that the role, responsibilities and authority for implement and maintain an sustainability management system are assigned and communicated.

  1. Leadership

For an sustainability management system works the top management of accommodation establishment shall demonstrate leadership and commitment, which would be ensuring that sustainability policies and objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction or that resources needed for sustainability management system are available, for example.

(soon part III)

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